
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Nail of the Day - Revlon Blues Combo

Seeing Revlon polish on sale is a really great way to coax me into spending some of my pocket change - that's what happened today when I saw them for $3.99CAD at my local drug store. I of course ended up with quite a few (I plan on doing a nail polish haul asap), but this is just two I snatched up that I couldn't resist doing a nail look on immediately after getting home. 

(Natural lighting)
I am a huge Revlon polish fan, I personally find them to be great quality, affordable and accessible. They also have a great range of shades that a lot of other lower end brands don't. 

(Natural lighting - Blue Lagoon)
I could not resist this light blue color, it was calling my name as soon as I saw the rack. I also only have one other blue that is in this same shade range, but this one is not completely opaque - it does have very (very) fine milled shimmer to it, so fine I could not even manage to get a clear photo of it. It seems to just add a little something to the polish, and catches the light nicely. 

(Natural lighting - Radiant)
This glitter polish is also amazing - made up of a couple varying sizes of glitter with slight hints of silver and green as well. It does have a very light blue base to it so it isn't just clear polish plus shimmer. I applied it over 'Blue Lagoon' which saved me doing more than one coat, but I think this would turn out nicely on bare nails with two good coats for full coverage. I'm hoping this is also not too hard to remove.

Let me know your favorite Revlon polish - I think these might move to the top of my list! 

xo, Hannah


  1. I really want to try revlon nail polishes :) ur blog is extremely cute and I would looove to see more reviews, looking forward to more posts :D xxx

    Check out my blog and follow ♥

    1. Thank you for the lovely compliment! Yes you should indeed check out Revlon polishes, they're amazing! I will certainly be doing more reviews as well :)
